Wednesday, November 20, 2013

No Slayed Gluten and Sugar Dragons...Let's Talk Crucifixion... started that I was going to write about slaying gluten and sugar dragons to go along with my gluten and sugarfreeness of life, but got sidetracked.  Life happens.

And when it does, because it will, somehow I find myself writing about crucifixions, shame, and humiliation.   No easy to digest homilies...but, stay with me, please, because there is good stuff to share at the end. 

The cross today is a simple symbol that represents hope and renewal to Christians today. 
In Christ's time, the cross was a symbol of shame and fear.   It represented crucifixion which was the ultimate, humiliating punishment to the person being punished and the family, if they were still willing to claim that family member.

I am a Christian.  I believe Christ was crucified and endured the indignity gracefully so everyone in the world who believed in Him could have a relationship with Him and God - not the thundering voice reigning down on you as you cower under the bed type of relationship, but the type to join you under the bed and say that things are going to work out ok. 

He didn't come to shame the world.  He rose above what the world defined as shameful to be an example to give us courage to withstand the shame of the crosses from the world.    I feel the crosses of the world.  You know the feeling, too.
That feeling when... you don't have the right kind of car...your dress is a 'classic'  - kind of like your car...your spouse has been having an affair and wants a newer model instead of the 'classic' he've lost your job and are worried about bills...your kid is failing in school...your long kept secret

Yeah, this stuff happens, but this connection to God, that was bridged through scorning the shame of the cross, can fill you up with hope, joy, and peace.  It doesn't matter if your connection to God is hanging by a piece of lint or a tree planted by streams of water.    It all starts with a simple conversation under the bed, in the bathroom, in your car...anywhere is fine.  "Hi, God."

God will give lavishly to you hope, joy, and peace.    

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