Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Yeast Free Diet - Hard Core Challenge

Honestly, I have to go a little bit further than just gluten and sugar free for the next 90 days.   I'm going yeast free.  What's a yeast free diet?     Why the heck would you want to torture yourself?  So glad you asked.
The first question is easy.   Here's what I avoid the next 90 days:
No yeasty, starchy, bready foods or veggies
No sugary foods
No vinegar, pickled, or moldy foods
No alcohol
No dairy
No High sugary content fruits or dried fruits
These types foods basically breakdown into sugars and provide fuel for the growth of yeast in a person's system.   Avoiding this stuff is not so easy.     On the bright side, I can eat meat, most fresh fruits and vegetables, and nuts.
The answer to the second question is:   I am just bored and just thought this would be fun. (Ha!)  
Everyone has good and bad yeast in their systems, but, I have an overgrowth of bad yeast in mine and that causes havoc on my system, although outwardly I cannot tell.    My gastro-intestinal system constantly fights this invader which prevents my body from fully absorbing vitamins and minerals which creates a chain reaction of (obvious and hidden) problems and, then, leads me into my chiro/nutritionist's office exasperated and frustrated about what is wrong with me?  
Yeah, not a real sexy answer but that's it in a nutshell.  
I have done this 1 1/2 other times before.   The first time I managed to get 60 days under my belt that was becoming looser and looser.   It all ended at the end of the school year party with a bender of meat lover's pizza and several slices of cake with tons of frosting.   I remember it fondly, except, all that cheese, flour, and sugar just made an atomic bomb for the yeast's population to explode.   That day yeast hit the lotto.
The half attempt this past summer was a joke that lasted about two to three weeks before vacation.   When we got to Vegas, I completely lost all self-control at the buffets' ice cream bars.   Visiting the Coca Cola store and sucking down 16 different types of international soft drinks, high fructose corn syrup is money in the bank for the yeast to never leave. What happened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas - it followed me home.   I never really hopped back on the GS-free wagon.   I just sort of jogged along side it and sometimes would climb on for a little break.  All the while, the yeast never went away.  
What I learned from these attempts is that this restrictive diet works and my system starts functioning better.  The first time around the pounds came off  easily  - ok, well some days were a struggle to not gouge my eyeball out with a spoon in search of ice cream.   I took lots of naps to get my mind off of food, but then I dreamt about it, BUT, it was easy since I did not have to workout like an Olympic athlete.  
Weight management since this summer has been impossible with a slow upwards creep.  It was this creep-iness by the beginning of the school year that made me realize I need to persevere and hang tough this time while marking off these 90 days on the calendar.   

Thursday, October 17, 2013

First grade math and mini lemon bundt cakes: numbers never lie just the person

I've been sliding and sliding down the hillside into the ditch of gluten and sugar.    I didn't think things were such a big deal.   I keep thinking I am committed to eating gluten and sugar free because I know it is so good for me.    I have paid mucho dinero for test results that tell me that gluten and sugar wreck havoc on my body, but I settle.   The cookie here.   A small bag of chips there.   Another cookie to go with the ice cream here.    The old way of eating starts again with a slow roll and picks up speed to becomes a boulder crashing down in a rock slide.   All good, hard earned new habits are smashed.

All this realization started with 6 mini lemon bundt cakes.

 Let me start the scenario.I purchased them for lunch with my friend Joan, her daughter Bella, and my kiddo Abby.    I ate one and so did Bella.    Joan was being good and passed.   Abby took a bite and didn't like it.    To keep up with the math, this leaves me, Miss Sugar Addict, with 3 whole and one partially eaten bundt cake.  

And what do you do when you're left with minis? There's only one thing - and that's eat them!!  They're small and mini.  It seemed so worth it until I was shamed into hiding how many I ate.

Scene:  Me sitting in the kitchen next to empty container.  Abby, my first grader, enters and sits next to me.  
Abby:  What happened to the cakes?  Bella had one.  You had one.  Did you eat mine?   
Me:  Yeah, no one wants to eat after you except for me.   (Pragmatic mom thinking:  Waste not want not - I paid good money for this crack.  I was left with no other choice.  I ate it.)  
Abby:   Where are the other ones?   
Me:   (Are you the bundt cake auditor?)   I ate them.
Abby:   You ate....(starts counting container's empty spaces) you ate 4 more?!
Me:   (This doesn't look so good.)    No, I didn't eat 4 more.   One fell on the ground and it's in the trash.
Abby:  Oh, yuck.   Did you eat the other 3?
Me:  (Why am I starting to sweat?)  No, no, Auntie Joan changed her mind and decided to eat 1.  No, she ate 2.  
Abby:  Oh, that's six.  

Ok.Here I am LYING to my 1st grade math genius because I am ashamed that I surreptitiously scarfed down FOUR mini bundt cakes in one sitting.  (They were pretty good, too.)  I know lying is bad, but what I am really ashamed about is my lack of control even though I know that this stuff is crack and just SOO terrible for me.    Also, the guilt of letting myself down AGAIN is bad.    It's time.  

This is when The Time is here and now.   It's time to kick Miss Gluten-Sugar out.    I know when this witch shows up - when I start lying to my 7 year old, when I start hiding wrappers and containers in the trash from myself because of denial (it ain't just a river in Egypt), and when settling for mediocre and wanting better starts to really wear on me mentally.   And it seems like Miss GS is here E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y and has decided to move into my house.    It is time to kick her to the curb.   And that's no lie.   

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Texas Woo Crew Blog Starting (again)


I'm starting a blog (again).  The first time was just an announcement that I was starting - and that was it - just an announcement and it was in 2012.    So, really, I'm starting again.    Here's why.

The next 90 days I will be throwing myself into the ring to eat healthy which means for me - no gluten, no sugar, and, temporarily, no vinegar or alcohol (this part will be easy since I'm a water snob.)   It's my stories about what happens during the next 90 days when I try to go for the full 10 rounds in this tough fight when practically everywhere the menu is set against me.   Wheat is in everything.  Sugar is my kryptonite.   GMO Corn is in omnipresent.    Rice is not my friend either and I AM CHINESE.   My whole lineage has eaten rice.  We've last this long so what's the deal?   Well, the deal is that food is made differently than ever before - but I'll save that for later.

So I invite you to join me on my (mis)adventures about something that everyone does every day.  Eating!!  I'm not promising perfect.  Although, this does feel a little impossible despite, you know, boot straps and pulling and all.    (On an aside,  I truly hope this encourages you to start doing that thing that you've been wanting to do that you think is impossible.)

In the meanwhile, I'm just concentrating on this one day and not the rest...and so here we go, count it down with me...90....
