Pregnancy really could be easier. Labor looks like a piece of cake.
My problem really is the cake. I am allergic to SUGAR! I took an allergy test and it came back with sugar listed right after lima beans. (You can bet I'm not crying over that last one.)
It is medically official.
And it's not a walk in the park!
Sugar is everywhere!!
EVERYWHERE - LIKE OXYGEN EVERYWHERE!! It's not just the usual suspects of candy, cakes, and cookies. It is hidden in so many foods with so many different names. Anything with sugar cane, sucanat, malodextrin, sucrose, fructose, glucuse, sugar, syrup, treacle, invert sugar, brown sugar, maltose, and xylose must be avoided. Crux of all of this - processed sugar.
This is some pretty difficult waters to navigate since if you don't me, you don't know that I am sugar addict - that sugar SNOB requesting ONLY the corner piece of frosted cake and prefers her cookie dough straight up - skip the baking.
I have been contemplating this new challenge while I finish my last package of Weikel's cinnamon rolls topped with the ooey-gooey goodness of sugar frosting, a Texas favorite of mine, before I make a decision to go forward with this wack-o lifestyle change.
My doctor, bless his heart, offered to share his frosting recipe made from AVOCADO. (?!?) I politely said, "Oh, that's new to me." I thought actually that this is criminal on so many different levels and this guy must be smoking something. (He doesn't. It's not paleo, which is another saga.)
Choosing sugar free has tremendous health benefits. I may be able to avoid diabesity and make a big impact on my family. My organs would thank me. Maybe I would not have to work out so much if I quit polluting my body with this toxin. Best of all: Bye-buh, muffin top, it was NEVER nice knowing you.
The downside of it all - lots of cussing and curing and swearing and praying - all at the same time to get through this.
Well, there it is - a line drawn in the sand.
Status unhealthy quo or Going in with a fight sugar free-dom.
I have to decide which side I will cross.
I'm crossing the line for freedom.
If you have decided on sugar free-dom, too, what helped you decide?
How did you feel when you decided? What has helped you to keep persevering?
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